Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 1 EDLD 5363

This week we were asked to write a script and create a digital story about our life.  I used Photo Story 3 for this project and was impressed with how easy it was to use.  I imported Powerpoint slides for my title and credits page and then imported photos.  The program includes transitions and start/stop positions to have some movement on still photos.  You can add audio to each individual slide which is awesome to use if you have a four year old who likes to make loud noises in the middle of a recording. The program lets you choose music that is royalty free and can be altered slightly.  I enjoyed the process so much that I create one this weekend for my grandfather's 95th birthday.  He loved it and I was able to convert it to a video he can play on his DVD player.
My classmates gave me some suggestions on my script to add more details about the relationship the girls have with each other.  I made those changes and think it was a nice touch.

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