Saturday, August 31, 2013

Post conference reflection

This week could not have been much more hectic for me.  It was our first week with students and we have a new principal and assistant principal on my campus.  To top things off I had a hard time convincing myself that everything would be okay if we didn’t meet with our professor until Saturday morning.  I am not used to waiting this late to do my homework and needed some clarification on items before I could submit my work.  When we did have our conference, August 31, 2013 at 10:00am, many of my questions were answered and I was able to finish the assignment after completing my duties as a mother and wife.  Learning to juggle these responsibilities is actually good preparation for life as an administrator. 

EDLD 5364 What I Learned in Week One

This week I learned about different theories on education.  I found the constructivist theory to be the most interesting and one that I will immediately apply in my classroom.  Constructivism in a classroom setting is when students come with a set of knowledge which will impact what and how they learn the new information presented to them (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 1999). According to Norton & Wilburg (1998), “The teacher no longer has to be in charge every minute, but can give some of the control over to the students and the technology.  If approached in a constructivist manner, the teacher’s job becomes one of facilitator or architect.” (as stated in Sprague & Dede, 1999)  I truly believe that this manner of teaching will prepare our students for the future.  The days of memorizing facts for the purpose of direct knowledge tests is no longer necessary.  In this day and age students have facts, figures, and statistics at the touch of a button.  We need to teach them to use the facts to create and collaborate with groups of people.  Project based learning is an initiative that our district has implemented in order to prepare our students for the future, and I believe integrating technology into PBLs will have an even greater impact.  
One concern I have regarding the constructivist classroom was stated by Sprague and Dede (1999), “we are taught to believe that learning takes place in and orderly setting”. (p. 8) I have a new principal and I am not sure if he believes in a learner-centered environment.  This year I have a digital classroom with 1:1 iPads.  According to the district, I need to have project based, technology rich lessons.  I hope my principal recognizes enthusiasm for learning and takes the time to observe a constructivist classroom in action.
The next theory that we were introduced to was connectivism.  Siemens states in his video on connectivism “learning isn’t something that happens in someone’s head”. External connections that students make and assimilate into their ideas have an impact on their learning. 
Both theories include technology as an important learning tool.  However, teachers today need to help students learn to use technology appropriately.  According to Bransford, Brown, & Cocking (2009) “Inappropriate uses of technology can hinder learning— for example, if students spend most of their time picking fonts and colors for multimedia reports instead of planning, writing, and revising their ideas.”  Lessons need to be well planned and thought out so students can understand the importance of the information. “Our students must learn not only how to use current technologies, but also how to evaluate which ones work best for particular tasks or projects.” (Pitler, Hubbell, & Kuhn, 2013)  Technology can be a great motivator for today’s students and we need to allow them to work with these various types of technologies in order to prepare them for the future.  I think this was stated eloquently by Solomon & Schrum (2007), “The tools students use may change where and how they get the information, but only educators can make sure that students learn how to process and use that information wisely.” (p. 42)

Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school (Expanded edition). Ch. 9, pp. 194-218. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Retrieved from
Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M. (2013). Using technology with classroom instruction that works 2nd Edition. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Introduction, 1 – 14.
Siemens, G.. (nd). The Changing Nature of Knowledge  [Video file]. Retrieved from
Solomon, G., & Schrum, L.(2007). Web 2.0: New tools, New schools. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education, 7 – 44
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, (1999). Learning as a personal event: A brief introduction to constructivism. Retrieved on October 4, 2009 from

Sprague, D. & Dede, C. (1999). If I teach this way, Am I doing my job: Constructivism in the classroom. Leading and Learning, 27(1). Retrieved from the International Society for Technology in Education at

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Action Planning Template

Each classroom on my campus is equipped with 5 computers, ceiling mounted multi-media projectors, USB enabled document cameras, eInstruction interactive mobile whiteboards, and a wireless overhead classroom audio and microphone system that disperses sound evenly throughout the room.  Each teacher is given a laptop and there are laptop carts and SmartBoards available.  Even with all this technology available there are faculty members who only use the required programs such as email, online attendance, and grading.  We are spending money on technology on our campus, but lots of the available hardware remains in classroom closets.   I feel the main reason for this disconnect is training.  Teachers are given new equipment and maybe a quick, large group staff development on how to use it, but there is not a support system for continued growth. 

Action Planning Template
Goal: Increase the use of available technologies for instructional purpose on my elementary campus.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Survey the teachers to research attitudes toward the Mobi devices

Carrie Allen
September 2013
Teacher Survey, Survey Monkey account
Number of teacher responses to survey
Compile the data from the surveys to create a list of teacher needs for Mobi use

Carrie Allen
September 2013
Survey results
Survey results
Research online journals and websites that relate to teacher use of technology

Carrie Allen
September 2013 – November 2013
Internet, District personnel
Interpret the data relative to campus needs
Submit work orders for classrooms that do not have the hardware and software installed

Carrie Allen

Ted Vega-Campus Technologist
September 2013
Campus Technologist
Completion of work orders
Conduct mini technology workshops for differing levels of abilities

Carrie Allen
October 2013 – Early December 2103
Location for workshop
Number of participants
Survey the teachers regarding Mobi use and needs

Carrie Allen
December 2013
Survey Monkey
Survey results
Conduct mini technology workshops based on results of 2nd survey

Carrie Allen
January 2014 – April 2014
Location for workshop
Number of Participants
Final survey to research attitude changes and the use of Mobi devices

Carrie Allen
May 2014
Survey Monkey
Survey Results
Share the results with others including site supervisor and district technology director for HCISD
Carrie Allen
June 2014 – August 2014
Results of action research plan
Final action research plan and feedback from teachers